Mexico Independence - pan dulce variety 2020
Mexico Independence - pan dulce variety 2020
¡Viva México! 🇲🇽
The regional struggles that contributed to the revolutionary civil war in Mexico, lasting roughly from 1910 to 1920, that transformed Mexican culture and government, are a determining factor and major influence on its gastronomical developments over the centuries prior.
Today, we recognize the year 1810 and La Independencia de México through the beautiful art of pan dulce as we celebrate by showcasing three of the five categories…
masas fermentadas
#Fermented #Dough
masas quebradas crujientes
#Shortbread #Cookie Dough
masas batidas crecidas
#BakingEvolution #PanDulce #LaIndependencia #Mexico
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Alex Peña
“Baking is the most rewarding part of my culinary experiences.”
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