Cream Cheese Almond Brownie
Cream Cheese Almond Brownie
Cream Cheese Almond Brownie ~ almendrados (nutty 🧐)baker facts: the brownie was developed in the US🇺🇸 at the end of the 19th century 🙏 #keto #brownies #almondmilk #almonds
Yields 8 x 8 x 2 baking pan or casserole dish
Keto Brownie
116g almond flour / harina de almendras
27g cocoa powder / cocoa
5g baking powder / royal
3g salt / sal
55ml coconut oil / aceite de coco
44ml water / agua
112ml whole eggs / huevo (2)
124g erythritol sugar / azugar eritritol
4ml vanilla extract / sabor a vainilla
Preheat oven 350F / 177C
Combine and mix all ingredients together / mezcla todos los ingredients
Transfer to pan and spread brownie batter evenly / extienda el batido de brownie de manera uniforme
Bake for 20 minutes at 350F
Hornear durante 20 minutos a 177C
Cream Cheese Chocolate Frosting
54g cocoa powder / cocoa
226g cream cheese / queso crema
57g butter / mantequilla
382g powdered sugar / azucar glass
6ml vanilla extract sabor a vainilla
50ml almond milk / leche de almendras
Add all ingredients to bowl / agregue todos los ingredientes al tazon
Mix thoroughly using a wire whip/ mezlar bien usando el globo
Keep baking and stay safe....Saludos!!!
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Alex Peña
“Baking is the most rewarding part of my culinary experiences.”
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